It’s safe to say the Indo-German Chamber of Commerce (IGCC) is doing a superb job at integrating German and Pune-based business. The IGCC, which was established a mere two years ago, has organized many events such as the Oktoberfest to bring German business to India. Such events give the firms a platform to present ideas and views on business, hence promoting the idea of collaborating businesses. Moreover, the IGCC has given the local firms a chance to exhibit their products in Germany on several occasions.
What is interesting is that not only are German companies investing in India, but many small and big businesses are looking to invest in Germany as well. The reciprocal reaction is of course expected, and hugely appreciated by German firms. The emergence of Pune as an engineering and automotive hub has contributed largely to why German companies are attracted to investing in Pune.
These German companies bring with them huge opportunities for Indians, in terms of understanding new business methodologies, and the very obvious aspect of introducing jobs to the people. Jobs as translators are fast expanding. The pay is brilliant, and all that is really required is the expertise in a language. That’s what German companies are bringing to India. Job offers, foreign exchange, and business expansion opportunities.
This is one of the best breaks that India can get in terms of expanding its business prospects to Europe. Germany, with companies like Volkswagen, is a huge asset for Indian companies to do business with. After establishing a firm relation with one country after the other like so, there will be nothing that can stop India from reaching heights which are only imaginable as of now. The sky is the limit, no?
Click here to learn German right now!
Visit www.germany-and-india.com to learn more about the Year of Germany in India and it's exciting event programme!