To be able to manage all the other miscellaneous things that you do along with your study routine, theres a solution to that too! For example, if you need to check your e-mail, watch TV or talk on the phone with a friend at least few times in a day, it is possible to do ALL of that as well as making sure you stick to your study plan! This way, you don’t feel too pressured. You can pick a specific time to check your e-mail – it can be for an hour. Tell yourself about how you can spend time checking your e-mail only from 1pm-2pm.At 2pm, no matter what happens, pry yourself away from the computer screen and continue studying. Not only will you feel better that you got back to studying again, but also will not worry about checking your e-mail for the rest of the day!
If you don’t map out a concrete schedule like so, you’ll end up checking your mail or sitting online everytime you feel like taking a break and you’ll find it too hard to stop after an hour. This way, you trick your brain into believing that this routine is a habit. A habit is merely the mechanical sensors of your brain telling you what to do. This way, you’ll end up doing it often without even thinking because it will start functioning as a habit!
Start this helpful routine and enjoy studying at
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