What you start to see after a point is the need to know more, read more and learn more. Now you needn’t always rely on textbooks and study material to get fluent in a language. You can do it the fun way, too!
And that is exactly what we want to talk to you about.
What we find is the most effective is immersing oneself in the culture and cuisine of the country whose language one is trying to learn. Why? Because it is fun!
Think about it, wouldn’t you want to know what the Japanese eat? or how the Italians wed? or interesting traditions people follow in India? Everybody does! Even those who are not learning the language!
So what we’re trying to say is while learning a language, try to see every facet of it. Try to find out where it originated from and its dialects. We are not suggesting you LEARN all of them. We’re simply suggesting you get right INTO it.
Think about it. Why did you want to take up a language anyway? Maybe because you thought it sounded beautiful? Maybe because you thought it might be helpful for when you travel? Maybe you just found it interesting. But most of all, we find that people take up languages because they are intrigued by the culture.
Come, take up a language of YOUR choice at SIFIL!
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