Now as you all know, there are a few standard every day greetings. Those are:‘Good morning/afternoon/evening/night.’
But those are not the only greetings. As we all know there are greetings for special occasions as well.
What would you tell someone if you met them on Diwali? You’d wish them a, ‘Happy Diwali!’. Similarly, if you met someone on Christmas, you’d say, ‘Merry Christmas!’ These are known as special greetings.
In the category of special greetings comes: wishing someone luck before a task or wishing them a speedy recovery from an illness or congratulating them on a job well desk.
Complete this conversation between 2 people to get a better idea:
Mr. Baker: | Good morning, Mrs. Brendan. |
Mrs. Brendan: | Good morning, Mr. Baker. _______? |
Mr. Baker: | I'm fine thanks, ______? |
Mrs. Brendan: | Not too bad. Mr. Baker, this is my husband Michael, Michael this is Mr. Baker my English teacher. |
Mr. Baker: | Pleased to meet you. |
Mr. Brendan: | __________. Are you from Germany, Mr. Brendan? |
Mr. Baker: | Yes, East Germany, from Dresden. And you? Are you from London? |
Mr. Brendan: | No, I'm from Derby, but I live in London now. |
Mrs. Baker: | Well, goodbye Mr. Baker, it was _______. |
Mr. Brendan: | You too, goodbye. |
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